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Michigan flea markets
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ANN ARBOR - - 3RD Sundays Ann Arbor Antiques Market. 5055 Saline Road. Admission $6. Ample parking. Approximately 350 dealers. Market open from April-November. It is strong on memorabilia and collectibles with lots of fine antiques. A very quality oriented market. Great attendance. This is one of the finest antiques markets in the entire country. Many, many fine investment quality pieces here. Fun, friendly, well managed market. A collectors paradise. Food available, restrooms, h/a, and lots of walking. Woody and Nancy Straub, P.O. Box 1512. 48106. (313) 429-9838. ARMADA - - TUES & SUN Armada Outdoor Flea Market. 25381 Ridge Road. M97. Hours 6am-3pm. Lots of parking. Average daily attendance of 1,000+ with approximately 250 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, country amd farm collectibles, glassware, silver, vintage clothing. Shoppers will find a good selection and wide range of merchandise. Farmers market also. Good food available on premises. Space from $10. Open May to October. Armada Flea Market, Box 525. 48005. (810) 784-9604. ALLEGAN - - LAST SUNDAY Allegan Antique Market. Allegan County Fairgrounds. Route 94, Exit 34. 131 Expressway, Allean exit. Hours: 7:30 to 4pm. Seasonal market April through September. Adm $3. free parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approx 300 dealers. Strong on quality antiques, collectibles and antique furniture. Lots of professionial dealers here who set very high quality booths of collectibles and smalls. Space from $55. Outside. Reservations recommended. Snack bars, restrooms, h/a, lots of walking. This is an excellent source market for serious collectors, investors, decorators and shopkeepers. c/p Larry Wood, 2030 blueberry Drive NW. Grand Rapids, MI 49504. (616) 453-8780 or 735-3333. ARMADA - - TUES & SUNDAY Armada Flea Market. 25381 Ridge Road. One mile east of town. Hours 6am to 3pm. Seasonal market, April through October. Free adm & ample parking. Outdoor market with approx 250 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, new and used merchandise, crafts, livestock, produce. Snack bar, restrooms. Space from 410. c/p Manager, Box 525, 48005. (810) 784-9194 or 784-9604. Blissfield Markets 440 E. Jefferson St. COPEMISH - - SAT & SUN Copemish Flea Market. Route 115. Hours 8am-6pm. Ample parking. Approximately 100 dealers. New merchandise, lots of flea market items, crafts, collectibles, glassware, silver, primitives, farm & ranch collectibles, produce. Snack bar, restrooms. Space from $10. Market open May-October. c/p Jerry Dillingham,, Box 116, 49625. (616) 378-2430 or 929-4317. GRASS LAKE - - SAT & SUN Grasslake Mini Mall Flea Market. Burtch Road. Hours 10am-6pm. Average attendance 200. Approximately 40 dealers. New merchandise, used desirables, country collectibles, gifts, imports, crafts, produce. Food available. Space from $2.50. Overnight parking. c/p E.C. Caler, 242 Burtch Rd., 49240. (517) 522-8810. Greenville -- Hattiesburg - - SAT & SUN The Flea Market. Highway 98. Three miles west of town. Hours 8am-6pm. Ample parking. Average attendance 1,000. Approximately 50 dealers. New and used merchandise, garage sale items. Lots of country collectibles, farm and ranch items, antiques, glassware, decorator items, crafts, produce. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Space from $10. c/p Tommy Curtis, Box 514, 39401. (601) 268-3667 or 264-7823. HOWARD CITY HEIGHTS - - HOLIDAYS Burley Park Swap Meet. Hwy 131 North, Exit 120. Primarily antiques & collectibles. Great selection of offerings for collectors of just about everything. Lots of quality items, including furniture. Popular market. Clean, friendly and well managed. The Burley Swap Meet opens Memorial Day, and runs seasonally. Approximately 600 dealers spaces from $10. Camping available. c/p Judy Rogers, 4540 Bailey Rd., Coral, 49322. (231) 354-6354. Call for specific dates. Kalamazoo - - WED & FRI Bank Street Market. Kalamazoo City market. 1205 Bank Street. Seasonal market from May through September. Outdoor market with some covered spaces. Approx 125 dealers. LAMBERTVILLE - - SAT & SUN Lambertville Antique Market. Route 29. (River Road). Market features a bit of Americana, from the offbeat to the highly collectible. For the serious collector, shopkeeper, dealer, or decorator this market is a most interesting stop. Food available, snack bar, restrooms. (609) 397-0456. LAMBERTVILLE - - FRI, SAT & SUN Jo's Ceramic Art & Flea Market. 8177 Sector Rd. 3 miles north of Toledo, OH. Approximately 20 dealers. Used merchandise, collectibles, decorator items, gifts, imports, crafts, produce. Snack bar. Space from $25 for weekend. c/p Jo Peart, Box 387, 48144. (313) 856-8000. LANSING - - FRI, SAT & SUN Lansing Flea Market. 3215 S. Pennsylvania Avenue. Hours 9am-6pm. Ample parking. Approximately 35 dealers. General flea market lines, new and used, collectibles, crafts, produce. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Joe Scrattan, 4240 Love Joy Rd., Perry, 48872. (517) 394-7047 or 625-7262. MARSHALL - - SATURDAYS Marshall Antiques Market. Intersection of I-94 & I-69. Fairgrounds. Admission $3. Large covered market, primarily antiques and quality collector lines. Quality oriented antique market. Food available, restrooms, ample parking, h/a. c/p Ted or Donna Tear, (616) 789-0990. Fax (616) 781-7868. Hours 8-5. MASON - - WED, SAT & SUN Antique Flea Market. Mason Street. Hours 10am-6pm. Approximately 60 dealers. Lots of quality antiques, furniture, collectibles, fine jewelry, vintage clothing, art, prints, books, military items, memorabilia, quality decorator pieces. Food available, restrooms. Space from $8. c/p David Fincock, (517) 676-9753. MONROE - - FRI, SAT & SUN Dallas Corner Flea Market. 15300 S. Dixie Highway. New and used merchandise, lots of garage sale items. Collectibles, imports, crafts, produce. Snack bar. c/p Norman Sayer, (313) 242-6284. MT CLEMENS - - FRI, SAT & SUN Old Timers Flea Market. 36000 Groesbeck Road. Hours 10am-6pm. Average daily attendance 2-4,000. Approximately 100 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, silver, jewelry, vintage clothing, primitives, advertising items, memorabilia. Also, plenty of new and used merchandise, garage sale items, crafts, gifts, imports, decorator items and produce. Food available on premises, restrooms, h/a. Space from $30. c/p Dora Pet, 36000 Groesbeck Rd., 48043. (810) 792-1612. MT CLEMENS - - FRI, SAT & SUN Gibraltar Trade Center. 237 N. River Road. I-94 & N. River Road. (Exit
237). Hours Friday 12pm-9pm. Saturday 10am-8pm, Sunday 10am-6pm. Admission charge.
Ample paved parking. Large indoor market with mostly permanent booths. Gibraltar
is know mainly for it's massive array of new merchandise, discount house type,
sweats, cookware, etc. Some collectibles. Limited outdoor space available.
Market also conducts many special events. Snack bars, restrooms, h/a.
Is your flea market listed? Is your information outdated? If you've answered yes to any of those questions then register for an account, it's free to Place an Ad for your flea market. To remove an ad, Contact Us MUSKEGON - - SATURDAYS Gold Token Flea Market. 1300 E. Laketon Avenue. Hours 6am-2pm. Ample parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 75 dealers. Lots of secondhand, garage sale and new imports. Some antiques and collectibles. Space from $5. per table. Snack bar, restrooms. c/p Gold Token, 1300 E. Laketon Ave, 49442. (616) 773-1137. Fax: (616) 722-4646. MUSKEGON - - WEDNESDAYS Muskegon Flea Market. Junction of Seaway Drive & Eastern Ave. 1/2 mile north of downtown. Large outdoor market with approx 300 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, clothing, used and new merchandise, produce, crafts. Space from $7. Snack bars, restrooms, h/a. c/p Cheri Burdick, City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace St, 49443. (616) 722-3251. Note: This is a seasonal market May through October. MUSKEGON - - SATURDAYS Select Auditorium Flea Market. 1445 Laketon Avenue. US Highway 31 & Laketon Avenue. Hours 6am-6pm. New and used merchandise, collectibles, art, crafts, gifts, decorator items, produce. Space from $4. Restrooms, snack bar, h/a. c/p Terry Durham, 1445 E. Laketon Ave. 49442. (616) 726-5707. MUSKEGON HEIGHTS - - WEDNESDAYS Farmers Market Flea Market. 700 Yuba Street. Hours 6am-6pm. Ample parking. Average attendance 3,000. Approximately 250 dealers. Large wide open market with lots of merchandise, new, used, antiques, collectibles, housewares, farm items, clothing, produce, livestock, crafts. Food available, snack bar, restrooms, h/a and lots of walking. Space from $5. Market open May-October. c/p John Albertie, (616) 722-3251 or 728-6433. PAW PAW - - SAT & SUN La Rue's Flea Market. 37908 Red Arrow Hwy. One mile west of Paw Paw, via I-94. Hours 9am-6pm. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 1,000. Approximately 75 dealers outside and 100 inside. Wide selection of new and used merchandise, antiques, collectibles, jewelry, gifts, decorator items, crafts. Space from $3. Camping available. Market conducts retail consignment auction on Sundays. c/p Donald LaRue, Jr., (616) 657-3533. PAW PAW - - SAT & SUN Reits Flea Market. 45146 Red Arrow Highway. 1/2 mile north I-94. Exit 56. Hours 8am-4pm. Free adm & Ample parking. Average attendance 10,000. Approximately 450 dealers. No inside space. Lots of new merchandise. Also, collectibles, antiques, glassware, used merchandise, crafts, art and more. Plenty of good food. Good restaurant. Restrooms, h/a. Market open May-October. Also open on holidays. This is a good market for commercial vendors. Clean, friendly, and well managed. It is always a pleasure to sell at or to shop here. Space from $8. daily. Camping from $3. Electric available. $1 space charge without Michigan sales tax license. Fireworks, martial arts, pornography or alcohol prohibited. c/p Bill Reits, 45293 Red Arrow Hwy. 49079.(616) 657-3428 or (219) 259-8292. PONTIAC - - FRI, SAT & SUN Dixieland Flea Market. 2045 Dixie Highway. End of Telegraph Road. Average daily attendance 8,000. Approximately 400 dealers. Large classic commercial market with wide range of new merchandise, from hot new trendy to necessary's. Used merchandise, lots of antiques, collectibles, silver, coins, glassware, primitives. Crafts, produce, decorator items. Food available, restrooms, ample parking and acres of walking. Inside and outside space avail. Overnight parking available. Good security. Reservations recommended. Good market for antiques and collectibles. (248) 338-3220. ROMULUS - - SAT & SUN Green Line Road Flea Market. 16447 Middlebelt Road. 48174. Hours 7am-4pm. Ample parking. Approximately 250 exhibitors. Primarily new and used merchandise, some crafts, limited antiques & collectibles. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $20. c/p William Pai, (313) 941-6930. ROYAL OAK - - SUNDAYS Flea & Farmers Market. 316 East Eleven Mile Road. Free adm & ample free aprking. Approximately 120 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, decorator items, country treasures, new & used merchandise, jewelry, sportswear, housewares. Crafts, produce, livestock. Food available. Inside and outside space avail from $12. c/p Steve Sendek. 316 E. Eleven Mile Road. 48067. (313) 548-8822. SAGINAW - - FRI, SAT & SUN Giant Public Market. 3435 Sheridain. Corners of Sheridain & Williamson. Hours Friday and Saturday 10am-7pm, Sunday 10am-6pm. Free adm & ample free parking. Average attendance 5,000. Approximately 100 dealers. Clean well managed market in modern building. New merchandise, imports, sportswear, gifts. Collectibles, decorator items, crafts, art, coins,jewelry, glassware. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $15 and up. c/p Bob Reiss, 3435 Sheridan Ave, Bridgeport, MI 48601. (517) 754-9090. Fax: (517) 754-7465. SAGINAW - - THURSDAYS Saginaw Flea Market. Fairgrounds. Ample parking. Average attendance 4,000. Approximately 100 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, silver, jewelry, new and used merchandise, crafts, produce. Restrooms, food available, h/a. c/p Deloris Holtrop, 420 Fisher, 48604. (517) 754-6004. or 753-4408. SIX LAKES - - SAT & SUN Flea Market. 303 N. Railroad Street. Junction Route M-46 & M-66. Free adm & ample free parking. Average daily attendance 300.Approximately 50 dealers. New and used merchandise, garage sale items, gifts, imports, decorator pieces, country collectibles, outdoor items, produce. Outdoor, open-air market. Food & restrooms. Camping available. Market open April-October. Space from $5. For information or directions call: (517) 365-9057. Sterling Heights -- Wednesdays Freedom Hill Outdoor Flea Market Freedom Hill County Park TRUFANT - - THURSDAYS Trufant Auction & Flea Market. 303 North "C" Street. Hours: Dawn to 4pm. Free adm. Ample parking. Approximately 250 dealers. Large, wide open market; antiques to imports, used merchandise to fine jewelry. This is an excellent one day market with a wide variety of booths. Snack bar, h/a, lots of walking, restrooms. Open April thru September. Space from $5. c/p Maurice Peterson, 13670 Dickerson Lake Road, 49347. (616) 984-2168 or 984-2573. Auctions at 10am. WARREN - - FRI. SAT & SUN Country Fair Antique Flea Market. 20900 De Quindre. 1 block north of 8 Mile Road. Hours Friday 4am-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm. Indoor market with approximately 350 dealers. Market has well publicized area known as "Famous Antique Village". Also new and used merchandise. Space from $50. Overnight parking available. Good security. Restrooms, snack bar, h/a. c/p Country Fair. 20900 Dequindre Blvd. 48034. (810) 757-3740 or 75-3741. WARREN - - Fri, Sat. & Sun.
Michigan Flea Market NEW DEALERS ARE WELCOME WITH LOW BOOTH RENTALS WATERFORD - - FRI, SAT & SUN Dixie Land Antique Flea Market. 2045 Dixie Hwy. Corner of Highway 10 & telegraph Road, Highway 24. Fairgrounds. Hours Friday 4am-9pm,Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm. Free adm & ample parking. Average daily attendance 8,000. Indoor market with approximately 250 dealers. New and used merchandise, lots of secondhand garage sale items here. Limited antiques but some nice spreads of collectibles. Wide range of merchandise here at this very busy market. 4 snack bars, restrooms, h/a, camping nearby. Space from $45. Inside and outside space available. c/p Barbara Kernen, 2045 Dixie Hwy, 48328. (248) 338-3220. Fax: (248) 338-3221. WYOMING - - SAT & SUN Beltline Flea Market. 28th Street SW. Admission charge. Ample parking. Outdoor market with approximately 300 dealers. Lots of antiques and collectibles. Some new merchandise. Good range of collector items here. Market open May-October. Space from $8. c/p Don Moinet, 1400 - 28th St. SW. 49509. (616) 532-6302.
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