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Nevada flea markets
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FERNLEY - - FRI, SAT & SUN Frontier Village Flea Market. Highway 46 off of I-80. Free adm. Ample parking. New and used merchandise, sportswear and western wear. Also, jewelry, Indian trinkets, western collectibles, art & artifacts. An array of crafts, produce and much more. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Space from $4 daily. c/p Lew Sprankle, Box 1547, 89408. (702) 574-4445. Overnight parking available LAS VEGAS - - DAILY The Sampler Shoppes. 6115 W. Tropicana Blvd (at Jones). Indoor 40,000 sq ft market, air conditioned & heated. Antiques, collectibles, fine art, primitives, jewelry, interior design items. Tea room. Restrooms, handicapped accessible. Ample parking. c/p the Sampler Shoppes, 6115 W. Tropicana, 89103. (702) 368-1170. Open daily 10-6. LAS VEGAS - - SAT & SUN Las Vegas Swap Meet. Sunset Drive In Theater. Free adm. Ample parking. New merchandise, electronics, sportswear, house wares, jewelry, lots of western clothing, sports merchandise, souvenirs and novelties. Also plenty of used and garage sale items.Also, Indian jewelry, art & artifacts. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. (702) 748-7550. LAS VEGAS - - FRI, SAT & SUN Indoor Swap Meet. 3455 Boulder Highway. 89121. Ample parking. Hours 10am-6pm. Admission charge $1. Primarily new merchandise and imports. Electronics, tapes, sportswear, wesern wear, sports cards, souvenirs, jewelry, house wares, gifts. Some good bargains on new discounted merchandise. Approximately 400 booths packed with a little of everything bargain hunters are looking for. Space by the month only. Snack bars, restrooms, h/a. c/p Benny Krebs, 3455 boulder Hwy, 89121. (702) 641-7927. NORTH LAS VEGAS - - FRI, SAT & SUN Las Vegas Swap Meet. 4150 W. Carey Avenue. Lots of parking. Outdoor market. New & used merchandise, outdoor oriented items, farm & ranch items, lots of garage sale fare, crafts, collectibles, Indian jewelry and art. Clean restrooms, snack bar, h/a. Space from $5. (702) 647-1365. NORTH LAS VEGAS - - FRI, SAT & SUN Broad Acres Flea Market. 2934 Las Vegas Blvd N. Ample parking. Market opens at 6:30 am. Admission charge .75. Outdoor market with average attendance 20,000 for weekend. Approximately 400 dealers. New and used merchandise, antiques, collectibles, jewelry of all types, western and Indian items, crafts, produce. Lots of shade, snack bars, beer & soda carts, restrooms, h/a. One of the oldest and best swap meets in Nevada. Great market to plan a stop at. This writer has sold here several times after spending disastrous days in Las Vegas. Space from $8. daily. c/p Jake Bowman, Box 3059. 89030. (702) 642-3777. RENO - - SAT & SUN El Rancho Swap Meet. 555 El Rancho Drive. (Sprarks) Ample parking. Hours 6am-4pm. Admission charge .50. Average daily attendance 3,000.Approximately. 200 dealers. A classic swap meet with loads of new & used merchandise, 2nd hand items, collectibles, advertising items, etc. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $15. per weekend. c/p Denise Grays, 555 El Ranch Dr, 89431. (775) 331-3227. Fax: (775) 359-2833. RENO - - MONTHLY Tanners World Wide Flea Market. Reno Convention Center. Admission charge. Inside market with excellent attendance. Trendy and upscale with lots of better grade merchandise. Space from $40 daily. Call for exact dates. c/p Clare Tanner, 1636 E. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, 89104. (702) 382-8355. SILVER SPRINGS - - DAILY Silver Springs Flea Market. Highway 50, 3 miles West of Junction Highway 50 & 95A. Ample parking. Approx 10-15 vendors. Average attendance 500. New and used merchandise, souvenirs. Heavily loaded with garage sale items. Space $2. to $10. Market has cafe, tire shop, auction, propane & water. c/p Wanda Merritt, Box 21. 89429. (702) 577-2582.
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