Flea Markets
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Rhode Island flea markets
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CHARLESTOWN - - SAT & SUN Flea Market. General Stanton Inn. 4115-A Old Post Road. (Route 1A). Hours 7am-4pm. Free adm, $1. Parking charge. Indoor market with approximately 200 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, art, new merchandise. Space from $25. Market is located in a historic Inn. c/p Janice Falcone, Rt. 1, Box 222. 02813. (401) 364-8888. Fax (401) 364-3333. Market open March-November. PORTSMOUTH - FRI, SAT & SUN Tex's Auction House & Flea Market. 1678 E. Main Street. Ample parking. New and used merchandise, bric-a-brac, clothing, house wares, jewelry, crafts, collectibles, produce. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Henry Violette. PROVIDENCE - - SAT & SUN Big Top Flea Market. 120 Manton Avenue. Free adm. Ample parking. Approximately 120 dealers. New merchandise, house wares, electronics, sportswear, jewelry, sports merchandise. Used merchandise, collector lines, decorator items, crafts. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Indoor Market. c/p Howard Brynes. (401) 274-0060. TIVERTON - - SAT & SUN Route 177 Flea Market. 1560 Bulgar Marsh Road. Hours: 8am to 5pm. Free adm. Ample parking. New and used merchandise, garage sale items. Antiques, collectibles, decorator items, crafts. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Indoor and outdoor market with approx 50 dealers. Year round market. Space from $15. c/p Tom Ouelette. #8 Campton Ave. 02878. (401) 625-5954.
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